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Planning to study in Canada?

작성자: IMIN ㅣ 게시판: Topics of Interest ㅣ 작성일 : May 11th, 2011

Third video clip of Daniel’s online lecture on Canadian Immigration…

Will the recent election be good for Canadian Immigration?

작성자: IMIN ㅣ 게시판: Topics of Interest ㅣ 작성일 : May 6th, 2011

These are strictly my own observations but they are based on facts…

Fact #1 The Harper government actively recruited support from Immigrant populations which had previously been more aligned with the Liberals

Fact #2 A record number of new MPs were Immigrants (especially Chinese) who vigorously ran with the support of their immigrant constituents…..as members of the Conservative Party

Fact #3 The Harper government understands the positive impact that Immigration has had on the economy over the past several years and it also understands it’s debt to Immigrants who helped to give him a majority in Parliament because of a strong economy (when the economy was really heading “south” in the states).

Now, I might come across like the typical American who is rather naive and un-savy about politics in Canada but it seems to me that as the economy flattens a bit (as it will) Harper will be looking to boost the economy by increasing the Immigration allotment up from its current base of 250,000 (which is already the highest in the world). Immigrants bring to Canada not just an infusion of cash to be spent in Canada but they also start new businesses and supply world class scientific know how. All great things!

I may be a one of those silly Americans from the states (I’m working on that) but I think now that the elections are over we are going to see unprecedented access to Canada all designed to keep the economy pumping and Harper in office.

Viva le difference! Eh?

Tim Burks, Business Manager @ Imin Consulting

You can’t get a Visa at the bank….

작성자: IMIN ㅣ 게시판: Topics of Interest ㅣ 작성일 : March 23rd, 2011

Hello Everyone!

Do you know what a visa is for?

In order to enter Canada, to physically step on to Canadian soil, you have to have a permission from the Canadian government unless you are a Canadian Citizen. That permission is the VISA on your passport!

Why are you coming to Canada?
Are you planning to permanently move to Canada?
Or, are you planning to temporarily stay in Canada to work, to study or to visit relatives or to travel?

Based on the above listed purpose of entry, you have to apply for a proper immigration visa or temporary resident visa.

However, every visa program has it’s own program requirements and you have to prove that you’ve met all the program requirements. For example, if you want to enter Canada to tour Niagara falls in Ontario, you must show that you have sufficient funds to spend in Canada while traveling and you must show your social ties to your home country, so the officer can be sure that you will leave Canada.

Remember, a visa is a permission to physically step into Canada, but you still have to get a permit at the port of entry into Canada!

Daniel Y. Won
Immigration Practitioner/ Columnist
Professor of Immigration Law (IRPA)

Welcome to Professor Won’s new video series on Immigration!

작성자: IMIN ㅣ 게시판: Topics of Interest ㅣ 작성일 : March 23rd, 2011

First video of Daniel’s Canadian Immigration lecture series!

March 11th Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

작성자: IMIN ㅣ 게시판: Topics of Interest ㅣ 작성일 : March 18th, 2011

Like many of you, we at Imin Consulting are devastated and concerned about the destruction and loss of life created by the unprecedented earthquake in Japan.

We have many dear and valued Japanese clients and personally feel for the loss experienced by them, their neighbors and their countrymen.

We are enlightened by the stoicism and bravery that the citizens of Japan have exhibited during this incredible time of national emergency but we also, want to contribute and assist in any way that we can.

Starting today and continuing through to the end of March, Imin Consulting will match dollar for dollar (up to $100) any contribution made by our clients through our office to the Canadian Red Cross (who is collecting funds for the Japan Red Cross).

If you wish to contribute, please contact Mr. Daniel Won at 604-904-2233 or email visa@imin.ca.